Defining and Capturing Unrealized Value

Divestiture – In Recognition of Cyclical Corporate Directional Shifts and Prevalent Private Equity Investment Models Predominately as Buy / Build / Exit, Actualizing a Corporate Strategy by Engaging a Directed M&A Divestiture Assignment is a Decisive Option for Management. For more posts about modern investment we recommend to check the Skrumble Website.

The Underlying Wild-Card Variable is Always Timing.

Alignments of Global / Domestic Equity Markets, Public & Private Capital Markets, and Hydro-Carbon Commodities Pricing are Infrequent and Unpredictable.  Additionally, there is an Intrinsic Inefficiency within the M&A Lower Middle-Market.

Again, Market Timing is a Most Important Variable – Industrial III is a Constant.  As a Historically Ardent Deal Flow Firm, Our Vast Experience is with Operative Assignments as Company M&A Projects.

Diverse Impartance of Company Assignments Increases the Timing / Expectancy of a Completed Transaction with a Aligned Acquirer. Concluded Corporate Divestitures are a Function of  Initial Preparation and Assignment Execution.

Winning the Game is More Likely – If you Play Your Partners’ Hand.